Wednesday, October 5, 2011

{Local Ladies} Jenny Williams

Your Name: Jenny Williams
Business Name: Josie’s Jewels, LLC
City: Canton, GA
Year Established: 2011

Do you have a location or are you exclusively online?
Exclusively online
Tell us about your product:
Josie’s Jewels sells boutique hair accessories including bow & flower headbands, beanies, feathers, clippies & more.

What made you want to start a business?
I’ve always wanted to own my own business, but I never could pinpoint what it was I really wanted to do. When my daughter was born, Josie became the inspiration I was looking for to get started! I realized how hard it was to find quality hair bows and flowers for her in the stores around town. So, Josie’s Jewels was born! We are more passionate than ever in creating fun and unique hair accessories for all of the “jewels” out there!

What’s your favorite thing about owning your own business?
I get to be a stay-at-home mom and own my own business – it’s the best of both worlds!
Any advice you’d give you someone looking to turn their hobby into something more?
Save up and start with CASH! Start small – don’t try to take on the world and your biggest competitors all at once. Maintain a healthy balance of work and family. Pace yourself, find your niche and go for it!

What inspires you?
Everything around me! I find the colors just in nature inspire my best color combinations and designs – taking a walk around the block can really help get the creative juices flowing! Combine that with some good driving music and maybe a quick shopping trip to check out the latest styles and trends for the season, and I’m ready to get to work!
Tell us about yourself, family, interests:
 I’m married and a stay-at-home mom of two. My husband is my biggest supporter, and I couldn’t be more thankful for him being the love of my life! My children are an absolute joy! When I was younger, I never imagined having children and was solely focused on my career. Little did I know what God had in store for me! Let’s just say, I’m thankful He knows me better than I do, and I’m humbled at the most amazing life He has led me to! I am a member of First Baptist Church Woodstock. I enjoy singing and playing tennis.

Where can we find you when you aren’t working?
Spending time with my family or at church.
Do you have any guilty pleasures?
My friend, Gretchen’s homemade red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing!!!
Where is your dream vacation spot?

Thanks so much, Jenny! I am in love with those curled feathers! So elegant!

And she has been so gracious and is offering her Halloween feather headband (pictured in the first image) to one lucky reader! All you have to do is Like Josie's Jewels and Hugghins Photography on Facebook, then leave your comment here or on either Page! Share the blog link for an extra entry!
Contest ends Friday 10/7!
If you are feeling like you gotta have some of these for your little lady, check out Jenny's Etsy Shop